About Us

Founded in 1948, CSI is a national not-for-profit association of more than 6,000 members dedicated to improving the communication of construction information throughout continuous development and transformation of standards and formats, education and certification of professionals to improve project delivery processes. CSI members work tirelessly to effectively communicate the designers’ vision, the material producers’ solutions and the constructors’ techniques to create outstanding facilities that meet facility owners’ objectives.

CSI is dedicated to improving the communication of construction information through:

  • A diversified membership base of allied professionals involved in the creation and management of the built environment. Join us!
  • Continuous development and transformation of standards and formats.
  • Education and certification of professionals to improve project delivery processes.
  • Creation of practice tools to assist users throughout the facility life-cycle.

Our Mission

To advance building information management and education of project teams to improve facility performance.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity Statement

Built for Everyone: Creating a Better World through Inclusion

CSI recognizes that the built environment impacts the health, safety, and welfare of millions around the world every day. To respond to the deeply human needs of those different cultures and contexts, CSI:

  • Seeks out and values every individual difference and contribution,
  • Promotes dignity and respect for all,
  • Continually increases its cultural competency and cultural humility,
  • Facilitates courageous conversations around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the construction industry and beyond; and
  • Is inclusive by design.

Contact us at
800-689-2900 (Monday - Friday, 8am - 8pm ET)
5034A Thoroughbred Lane
Brentwood, TN 37027

Our Key Programs



CSI is renown in the industry for its rigorous certification programs, which include:
Construction Documents Technologist (CDT®) — A comprehensive overview for anyone who writes, interprets, enforces, or manages construction documents.
Certified Construction Specifier (CCS®) — Demonstrates excellence in specifications and contract document preparation.
Certified Construction Contract Administrator (CCCA®) — Truly understand all facets of the construction process and contractual relationships.
Certified Construction Product Representative (CCPR®)  An in-depth understanding of the construction process and superior ability in effective representation.


Local Chapters

CSI chapters across the country do more than provide networking – expect high-quality education programs and events that help members share real-world solutions and better understand the roles and responsibilities of each member of the construction team. Learn more.



CSI education focuses on teaching the roles and responsibilities of each member of the team, and how products and materials interact on the job site. Learn more



CSI works with organizations around the globe to create and maintain the standards that guide the construction industry's communication and documentation including:
MasterFormat®: The industry standard for specifications, estimates and product data.
UniFormat®: This format organizes Preliminary Project Descriptions, cost estimates, BIM objects, and early project information.
OmniClass®: This provides a method for classifying the full built environment through the full project life cycle. 

CSI is proud to be #GuideStar compliant! See our @GuideStarUSA profile at https://www.guidestar.org/profile/53-0242938