CCS Knowledge Domains

Domain 1: Planning, Development, and Organization (12%)
  1.1 Identify project delivery method and contract type
  1.2 Evaluate scope of project to identify anticipated specification sections
  1.3 Coordinate project specifications production with the overall project schedule 
  1.4 Develop a plan to collect and maintain data for materials, products, and systems being considered for the project 
  1.5 Establish protocol and chain of responsibility for managing project files 
  1.6 Develop and maintain the office guide specifications 
Domain 2: Coordination (15%)
  2.1 Collect, track, and coordinate specification information 
  2.2 Coordinate architect/engineer (A/E) teams' proposed project requirements 
  2.3 Implement selected products and systems into product documentation in alignment with product requirements 
  2.4 Coordinate specification information with project team 
  2.5 Evaluate the compatibility of products and materials 
  2.6 Coordinate specifications across project team disciplines 
  2.7 Coordinate specifications for consistency with design documents 
  2.8 Coordinate with project to specify alternates, unit pricing, and allowances 
Domain 3: Procurement, Contracting, and General Requirements (18%)
  3.1 Edit specifications to align with owner procurement and contract requirements 
  3.2 Coordinate Division 01 - General Requirements with all other specifications 
  3.3 Edit Division 01 specifications based on project-specific general requirements 
  3.4 Specify the project measurement and payment procedures 
  3.5 Specify substitution requirements and procedures 
  3.6 Specify submittal requirements and procedures 
  3.7 Specify RFI requirements and procedures 
  3.8 Specify delegated design requirements (e.g., application, scope, process) and their related deferred submittal procedures 
Domain 4: Research (14%)
  4.1 Conduct research on materials and assemblies for selection by design team and inclusion into specifications 
  4.2 Research and confirm applicable codes and regulatory requirements 
  4.3 Research suitability of proposed products for project conditions 
  4.4 Consult with product representatives to determine product suitability for project conditions 
  4.5 Research industry standards as relevant to project conditions 
Domain 5: Analysis and Evaluation (16%)
  5.1 Evaluate the acceptability of substitution request submittal 
  5.2 Align the specifications to project delivery method and schedule 
  5.3 Evaluate systems, assemblies, and materials being proposed for the project 
  5.4 Verify that systems, assemblies, and materials meet or exceed project requirements 
  5.5 Analyze drawings for systems, assemblies, materials, and potential constructability or quality issues 
  5.6 Evaluate systems, assemblies, and materials for compliance with code and regulatory requirements 
  5.7 Evaluate systems, assemblies, and materials for constructability and sequencing 
  5.8 Evaluate and select products for compliance with design intent (e.g., value, quality, aesthetics) 
  5.9 Obtain and evaluate applicable standards and information from technical and trade organizations (e.g., ASTM, AWWA) 
  5.10 Verify that reference standards retained in project specifications are current and applicable to project 
  5.11 Evaluate and incorporate results of value engineering decisions as applicable 
  5.12 Verify proposed construction meets the manufacturer's warranty requirements 
  5.13 Understand Basis of Design and evaluate salient requirements of Basis of Design products to allow for comparison of equivalent products 
Domain 6: Production (25%)
  6.1 Develop project outline specifications 
  6.2 Develop project manual 
  6.3 Expand preliminary and schematic design narratives into final specifications format (e.g., Uniformat® to MasterFormat®) 
  6.4 Determine the appropriate style of specification (i.e., descriptive, reference standard, proprietary, performance) for each material, fabrication, product, and system 
  6.5 Compile Available Project Information (e.g., geotechnical reports, existing drawings, etc.) into the project manual 
  6.6 Coordinate specification requirements with graphical information, annotation, and schedules on drawings 
  6.7 Finalize procurement and contracting requirements in the project manual 
  6.8 Document required submittals and submittal types to ensure quality installation and adequate project documentation (i.e., record documents) 
  6.9 Specify product materials, finishes, fabrication, preparation, installation, field quality control, and protection requirements when applicable 
  6.10 Review, coordinate, and comment on specification sections written by other parties 
  6.11 Prepare and edit specifications sections based on project specific information 
  6.12 Organize project manual according to CSI formats (i.e., SectionFormat®, MasterFormat®) 
6.13 Compile and check project manual for publication and distribution 
6.14 Modify project manual as required to document revisions 
6.15 Archive files for record (e.g., submissions, addenda, revisions, and record documents) 
6.16 Document salient requirements of Basis of Design products to allow for equivalent products